Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ossy Renardy Eugene LIst play Franck and Ravel Sonatas

I have to confess that after all these years listening to records, I was not familiar with Ossy Renardy. I bought the record assuming, rightly, that it is not well represented digitally. It's a shame; the performances are worth hearing. Renardy doesn't really "get" the blues movement of the Ravel; although it is well executed, it's not really bluesy. A quibble, since it is convincingly played.  The Franck is one of the best performances on record.  Although the live Oistrakh and Richter performance is still my gold standard, this comes close, though with less expansive phrasing. It's well worth listening to more than once.

Renardy was already concertizing at 17 (and before) when he left Europe for the U.S. via the United Kingdom in 1937. He served in the U.S. armed forces during WWII and only recommenced his concert career in the late forties, recording a well received Brahms concerto with Munch in 1948.  He died in an auto accident in northern New Mexico in December 1953 at the age of 33, on his way from a recital in Las Cruces to a booking in Monte Vista Colorado.   Listening to these recordings one can only regret what might have been.  This time Remington graced us with a good sound recording and a decent pressing. 

All the files and cover art can be found at the link below. 



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry I removed a comment inadvertently. If it was yours, I apologize.

  3. Hello! I am glad to know your blog. I also love vinyl records and Brahms. Greetings.

  4. The reading of Franck's sonata by Casadesus and Francescati and Grumiaux Sebôk are two astonishing recordings.
